Mailing List

The BibleDocs mailing list is one of the primary channels by which site readers can stay abreast of what is going on with this ministry (see also the RSS feeds).

Here is a brief description of the list’s mailing frequency and the sort of things that show up in the list’s messages:

  • While I may occasionally send more or less emails (i.e., the frequency isn’t strictly fixed), you can expect on the order of two emails a month from me. I won’t spam you.
  • Messages typically involve news about the ministry (including, but certainly not limited to, descriptions of new content available on the site).
  • Messages may occasionally contain anonymized prayer requests that I view as particularly important to pass on. For example, “Please pray for Mark’s father’s battle with cancer.”
  • I may also occasionally highlight material from other ministries that I find worthy of sharing. I am blessed to be in contact with a group of fellow teachers laboring in the truth, and will sometimes signal boost for them.

Signing up

You can sign up for the mailing list using the form below: