Subject Index


Abuse > Child abuse

Abuse > Spousal abuse

Adam and Eve


Afterlife > Boundaries between the living and the dead as a literary theme


Angels > Are subject to matter

Angels > Are subject to time


Apologetics > Combatting falsehood by refuting a representative specific argument


Application > Culture can be important

Application > Gray areas


Baptism > Is not of water, but is fundamentally spiritual in nature

Baptism > We are baptized into the person of the Trinity, spiritually


Believers > Live lives of eternal, spiritual purpose


Blood > Use in ratification of covenants

Blood of Christ

Blood of Christ > Satisfies both God’s love and God’s justice

Busybody behavior

Busybody behavior > Is not proper for Christians

Central doctrines to the Christian faith

Central doctrines to the Christian faith > Satan attacks more fiercely

Child abuse



Chronology > Long lifespans do not necessarily pose problems



Culture > May be relevant in application


Death > Cannot be avoided by anyone

Death > Locations of believers and unbelievers after physical death

Death > Locations of believers and unbelievers after physical death > Are different in eternity

Death > Locations of believers and unbelievers after physical death > Changed after Christ’s ascension

Death > Physical death is when someone’s human spirit departs their physical body

Death > Types of

Death > What happens after physical death

Death > What happens after physical death > Believers

Death > What happens after physical death > For those who were resuscitated

Definite articles

Definite articles > Importance of


Divorce > Abuse exception


Eden > Contrasted with this present world


Essence > Essential characteristics

Eternal rewards

Eternal rewards > Not all people will receive the same amount

Eternal rewards > People’s hesitancy regarding

Eternal rewards > Scripture about


Euphimism > Use in scripture

Every knee will bow


Fall > Effects on mankind

Fallen angels

Fallen angels > Desire for physical bodies

Family of God

Family of God > Derives its name from the Father


Forgiveness > Even if Jesus paid it all, it can be hard for us to embrace the forgiveness as we ought

Genealogy of Christ

Genealogy of Christ > Women in the line of Christ

Genealogy of Christ > Women in the line of Christ > Showcase God’s surpassing grace


God > Essence

God > Externality to spacetime

God > Immortality

God > Immortality > Antithesis of death

God > Is de facto ruler of the universe

God > Is de jure ruler of the universe

God > Is Spirit, but in a way different from the spirits of humans and angels

God > Is eternal

God > Is faithful and true

God > Is good

God > Is holy

God > Is immeasurable

God > Is infinite in nature

God > Is just

God > Is life

God > Is love

God > Is omnipotent

God > Is omnipresent

God > Is omniscient

God > Is perfect in character

God > Is sovereign

God > Is spiritual

God > Is unique

God > Name of God

God > Resplendence

God > Resplendence > Glory

God > Resplendence > Unapproachable light

God > Resplendence > Veiled to preserve human free will


Heaven > Is upon the surface of the Earth in eternity, not up in the clouds

Heavenly geography

Heavenly geography > Subdivisions of Hades


Hell > People are sent only because of unbelief

Hell > There are no levels in hell

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit > Has always been present upon the Earth

Holy Spirit > Indwelling ministry of

Human beings

Human beings > Are dichtomous, composed of flesh and spirit

Human beings > Are not trichotomous (we do not have souls, but are souls)

Image of God

Image of God > We are godlike in our free will/ability to choose

In the world, but not of the world


Incarnation > It is only Jesus’ human nature that was created/begotten


Interim bodies

Interim bodies > Bodies obtained after physical death but before resurrection


Interpretation > Apparent contradictions

Interpretation > Apparent contradictions > Hebrews 9:27 says people can only die once, but resuscitated people die twice

Interpretation > Challenges

Interpretation > Challenges > Different cultures use different idioms, metaphors, and so on

Interpretation > Challenges > Different people in the Bible can have the same name

Interpretation > Context often directly limits how words can be translated

Interpretation > Inferences have their place when they only go so far as the evidence allows

Interpretation > NT Principles

Interpretation > NT Principles > “Jesus’ time had not yet come”

Interpretation > NT Principles > “Once for all”

Interpretation > Semantic overloading - words with unique connotations stemming from multiple meanings

Interpretation > Sensitivity to the cultural context of the audience to whom the text was written

Interpretation > Symbolism

Interpretation > Symbolism > Numbers


Jesus > Intentionally avoided celebrity



Legalism > Counterexamples

Legalism > Counterexamples > A prostitute is in the line of Christ

Limited human perspective

Limited human perspective > Makes some teachings hard to understand

Meaning in life

Meaning in life > Only comes through faith


Meddling > Is not proper for Christians

Middle knowledge

Minding your own business



Nephilim > Satan’s attack on the human bloodline

No man may see God and live


Omniscience > includes knowledge of hypotheticals


Parables > How do you know if something is a parable or actually happened?

Parables > Parable of the minas

Parables > Parable of the talents


Parents > Disagreement with

Parents > Disagreement with > Career

Parents > Disagreement with > Friends

Parents > Disagreement with > Significant other

Parents > Disagreement with > Spiritual approach

Parents > Honoring

Parents > Honoring > Scripture about

Parents > Obeying

Parents > Obeying > Scripture about


Penance > Is bad theology


Perfection > Is impossible for fallen mankind


Philosophy > Perils of getting off in the weeds


Prophecy > mechanics of


Rahab the prostitute


Resurrection > Bodies obtained after resurrection


Resuscitation > Is different from resurrection


Satan > Is already positionally defeated

Satan > The enemy of believers

Satan’s rebellion

Satan’s rebellion > Is the backdrop of all creature history


Sin > God already disciplines us perfectly, so we ought not discipline ourselves more

Sin > Universality

Sin > We should not dwell on the past, but keep our eyes fixed forward


Sleep > As a euphemism for death

Sleep > As a euphemism for death > Does not necessarily point to eventual resuscitation

Sleep > As a euphimism for death


Soul > Is the combination of flesh and spirit

Spiritual gifts

Spiritual gifts > Given after Christ’s ascension

Spiritual perspective

Spiritual perspective > Eyes on the prize

Spousal abuse


Tabernacle > Contrast between earthly and heavenly


Textual criticism

Textual criticism > Places where it matters

Textual criticism > Places where it matters > 1 Corinthians 5:3



Translation > Is always an imperfect process

Transliteration of names, places, etc.

Transliteration of names, places, etc. > Is not consistent in scripture


Trinity > All members are deity

Trinity > All members are distinct from one another

Trinity > All members fully and equally share status, activity, and substance

Trinity > All members share the same essence

Trinity > Definition

Trinity > Distinctness

Trinity > Distinctness > Father

Trinity > Distinctness > Holy Spirit

Trinity > Distinctness > Son

Trinity > Divinity

Trinity > Divinity > Father

Trinity > Divinity > Holy Spirit

Trinity > Divinity > Son

Trinity > Illustrations

Trinity > Illustrations > Perils of

Trinity > Illustrations > Trinity triangle

Trinity > Jointly partake in one single essence

Trinity > Jointly partake in one single essence > Father

Trinity > Jointly partake in one single essence > Holy Spirit

Trinity > Jointly partake in one single essence > Son

Trinity > Scripture alone is sufficient for establishing the teaching

Trinity > Share

Trinity > Share > Eternal function of deity

Trinity > Share > Status of deity

Trinity > Share > Substance of deity

Trinity > The teaching existed before the word “Trinity” was used for it

Trinity > What it is not

Trinity > What it is not > A pantheon

Trinity > What it is not > A union with inferiority or disparity between members

Trinity > What it is not > Only one member possessing divinity

Trinity > What it is not > Only one person with multiple modes or aspects


Truth > Most people are blind to it

Truth > Plato’s allegory of the cave


Unbelievers > Are already positionally dead

Unlimited atonement

Unlimited atonement > Double jeopardy


World > Fallen state of